
Daily habits to cultivate elegance and class

Implementing daily habits to cultivate elegance and class has completely changed my life, and it can change yours too!

Embarking on a personal refinement journey to embrace elegance is the critical path to becoming a savvy and high-value Lady. It is an adventure of self-discovery that intertwines your mannerisms, style and the art of living graciously.

Within this journey, lies a pivotal set of elegant daily habits and rituals that is the cornerstone of your Ladylike essence.

Habits are subtle yet powerful routines that silently and effortlessly orchestrate our lives. We do these daily tasks subconsciously without needing to negotiate with ourselves to complete them.

Just as we instinctively brush our teeth, put on moisturiser, and mindlessly scroll through social media, why not also infuse our days with refined and elegant activities too.

In cultivating these habits, not only can we refine ourselves but also elevate our intrinsic value and confidence as a woman, thereby making us more attractive and memorable. What we do consistently, day in and day out, becomes the signature of our personal brand, our identity.

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Unlocking the Power of Routines and Habits

Routines and habits are the dynamic duo that shape our lives. While they seem boring and mundane, they allow us to free our minds to focus on greater things and solve bigger problems.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, we all operate within some form of routine. We need the structure and stability that routines will bring us so that we can focus on navigating through the complexities of life with ease.

From the moment we wake until rest in our head, our lives revolve around a set of routines we subconsciously develop into. From our morning routines, to routes you take to work and last thing you do before you head to bed.

If there’s one routine that you want to get right is a healthy morning and evening routine because they have the power to shape your day!

The profound truth is, that what you do consistently becomes ingrained as habits. So if we want to change our lives, refine our essence, and elevate our self-worth, then we need to fix our brand, and fix our habit!

In aspiring to transform ourselves from the ordinary to regal figures, exuding grace and sophistication in every aspect of our lives, developing daily habits that embrace elegance and a refined lifestyle is paramount to our level-up journey.

A woman demonstrating daily habits to cultivate elegance by leisurely reading a book about Paris and sipping coffee, seated in a wicker chair beside a large window, in a sepia-toned setting that exudes timeless charm.
Elegant habits are cultivated daily and consistently. Bit by bit. Until it becomes a part of your identity and personal brand.

But what Defines ‘elegant and classy’ habits Anyway?

According to Dictionary.com, elegance is defined as “gracefully refined and dignified, in taste, habits or literary style”, while class embodies “high quality, integrity, status or style”.

So in essence, cultivating elegant and classy habits means embodying these refined qualities into our daily actions, thus fostering an elegant mindset.

Why is this important? These habits become the very essence of our being, shaping our traits, qualities and ultimately our personal brand and identity. Having a high-value brand is a crucial asset in today’s digitally-driven world.

Now, let’s delve into the 9 elegant habits that will revolutionise your daily routines, elevate your self-assurance, refine your brand, and enrich every facet of your life.

Let this be the beginning of your transformation journey to living your extraordinary life!

9 Daily Habits to Cultivate Elegance and Class

Crafting your Elegant Morning Ritual

Let’s start your day with the grace and intention it deserves by crafting an elegant morning ritual that sets you up for success.

The morning routine is profound in shaping the rest of your day. So if there’s one routine you want to get right, it would be this one.

Therefore, instead of drifting through your morning tasks on autopilot and half asleep, embrace each action with purpose and mindfulness.

Being intentional with your morning rituals will put you in better control of your day and allow you to pave the path to more success.

There is much to say about “starting the day on the right foot”. So I want to make a pack with you… let’s level up our morning by ensuring our morning activities are made up of elegant and classy gestures that define our days.

These tasks don’t have to be anything big. It could just be waking up 10-15 minutes earlier so you can sit down to enjoy a proper cup of coffee/tea before you log on to your work machine (or leave for the office).

Or do you roll over, pick up your phone and start scrolling when you open your eyes? What if instead of mindless scrolling, immediately jump out of bed, and use that extra time to meditate?

How about starting an elegant beautifying routine (i.e. mini. facial) or giving yourself a no makeup makeup (even if you work from home)?

It doesn’t matter what your morning rituals are. The important thing is that you intentionally do something to make you feel more elegant and purposeful and get you in a confident mindset to conquer the day.

I started adding a no makeup makeup routine to my mornings, even when working from home. And it completely shifted the way I feel about myself, especially when I’m having one of those ‘ugly’ days. I automatically feel 100 times better about myself and sound more confident on my Zoom calls.

My makeup routine is really very simple and foolproof! I use this By Terry CC serum to give me a natural glow plus my go-to favourites from Charlotte Tilbury’s my-lips-but-better Pillow Talk lipstick set (currently 10% off!) and natural blush.

The whole routine takes me less than 5 minutes.

It is likely that people on the other side screen won’t even notice, but the impact it has on my self-perception and demeanour is profound. Often this extra boost of confidence is exactly what I needed to navigate through some of the calls with senior stakeholders!

So my dear, why not infuse your mornings with a sprinkle of elegance and see the transformation unfold? Your radiant presence over Zoom will speak for itself, even if people can’t quite put their finger on the hidden magic!


Elevate your Evenings with a Healthy Ritual

The secret to an elegant morning begins from the night before. This is often overlooked in our fast-paced world. But the foundation to graceful awakening lies in the quality of our sleep.

Hence, prioritising a healthy evening routine becomes paramount. But what does “healthy” truly entail?

It’s about hitting the pillow by a certain hour; honouring the sanctity of rest and rejuvenation. Getting consistent quality deep sleep is essential to our mental well-being.

Let’s start by deciphering the optimal hours of sleep your body craves to function at its peak. Work back from your desired wake-up time, and craft a bedtime that aligns with your body’s needs.

For me, achieving 7-8 hours of sleep is non-negotiable. With a wake-up call at 6:30 am, then I need to be in bed by 10:30 pm to ensure I plunge into a deep sleep state by 11 pm. Many studies have shown “deep sleep supports the repairing and functions that are necessary to feel your best each day” [Source: sleepfoundation.org]

Fortunately, I am a good sleeper. But if you’re accustomed to burning the midnight oil, then transitioning to an earlier bedtime may require some effort.

I suggest experimenting with soothing rituals to ease yourself into sleep. You could try a calming skincare routine, take a warm bath, journaling, meditation or immerse yourself in inspirational podcasts or books.

It doesn’t matter how you design your evening ritual. The key is to select activities that guide you to tranquillity and prepare your body and mind for deep sleep.

So embrace your evenings to a restorative slumber. Before you know it, this will be your favourite daily habit that you’ve cultivated,

A woman in a white ruffled dress embodies daily habits to cultivate elegance as she thoughtfully brushes her long, wavy hair while sitting on a plush bed adorned with delicate floral patterns, with a classic white lamp and blue porcelain in the background.

Non-negotiable personal grooming

An elegant lady is always well-groomed and appropriately dressed. They always look polished, put together and radiate sophistication, even when at home.

Personal grooming isn’t just a preference. It’s a non-negotiable hallmark of an elegant and ladylike demeanour.

This isn’t about extravagant attire or elaborate makeup just to lounge at home. It’s about the subtle art of presenting yourself with grace and dignity. Make it a habit.

Imagine, having healthy radiant hair all the time, tidy nails, and feeling fabulous even sitting at home. Let’s kiss goodbye to those pyjamas and invest in comfortable luxe loungewear.

An elegant lady understands that her grooming standard is the cornerstone of her presence and the value she holds herself to.

Mastering the Art of Confident and Elegant posture

Imagine a woman who exudes confidence, elegance and sophistication with her every step. Her aura radiates grace and poise…

You know the woman I’m talking about. I’ve seen her. You’ve seen her. She’s the one that catches your attention in a sea of people. I know you want to be like her too. That’s why you’re here right?

So what’s her secret? It’s not just about standing tall. It’s about embracing the power of impeccable posture.

Think back to the wisdom of our mothers urging us to sit up straight or pull our shoulders back. Such wisdom!

An elegant and classy lady knows that good posture isn’t just about appearances; it’s a transformative force that elevates your body and mind. has perfect posture.

So straighten that spine, roll your shoulders back, and hold your head high – this is your confident stance. Your declaration to the world that you have arrived, with poise and savviness!

Understanding Social graces and Practise etiquette

In a world where courtesy is often overlooked, a touch of manners can truly set you apart. It’s the small gestures – the “pleases” and the “thank yous”, or simply the act of holding the door open for someone behind you can leave a lasting impression.

Etiquette and social graces are more than just following a set of “outdated” rules. (Manners are never out of fashion in my book!) It demonstrates respect for others and our understanding of social norms.

It’s also important to be aware of the social nuances observed by different cultures, particularly when you travel to their countries.

In our ever-increasing diverse society, embracing cultural etiquette is key. An elegant lady takes time to learn about customs and traditions to ensure she never intentionally offend anyone with a social faux pas.

The Savvy Ladylike

“This is my ultimate vision for The Savvy Ladylike blog — equipping you with the social etiquette of the world!”

– Janey

A lady of elegance and class is well-versed in social etiquette and gracefully navigates every interaction with savviness and poise.

Let’s make it a habit of practising etiquette by starting in the comforts of your home and extending the same courtesy and respect to your loved ones.

From dining at the table with the proper utensils to banning phones from dinner conversations. These small gestures and rituals will cultivate an atmosphere of connection and elevate the quality of your relationships.

speak with Grace and Deliberation

In the realm of elegance, composure is Queen! The ability to remain poise and in control whilst graciously navigating herself through challenging and stressful situations is the end game.

This means, mastering the art of deliberate communication needs to be the heart of her interactions with people. Every word she utters is carefully chosen and each phrase is crafted with precision.

Not to mention, her words and speeches are enveloped by kindness and compassion because she understands the impact words have on people.

Because kindness is a cornerstone quality of an elegant and classy woman. Even in the face of adversity, she chooses to be kind and refrain from blurting words in haste or spite.

This is only possible by embedding this consciousness into your daily habits and practising consistently.

Practice gratitude and thankfulness

Similarly, another life-changing daily habit to cultivate elegance is cultivating gratitude as a daily practice, and a thankfulness mindset by acknowledging all the blessings in your life, no matter how big or small.

The attitude of thankfulness is not just about being nice. It’s a powerful magnet for positivity and allows you to tune into the frequency of abundance, thereby attracting more goodness into your life.

One of my cherished rituals is writing in my Five minute gratitude journal where I pour my heart out with all the things I am grateful for.

Just five minutes a day or every other day, before your day starts or evening before you head to bed. Build this into your morning and evening rituals!

It’s life-changing!


Embrace Self-love and listen to your body

Within the core of an elegant lady lies a deep sense of self-awareness. She knows her strengths and weaknesses and boundless potential.

She is confident and ambitious. She fearlessly pushes the boundaries of her capabilities, guided by an unwavering trust in herself.

Yet amidst her pursuit of greatness, she is attuned to her body and intentionally makes time for self-care. Because true elegance begins with kindness, not just towards others but towards yourself!

I encourage you to get into the habit of self-care rituals that are nourishing for your mind, body and soul. Whether it’s indulging in luxurious treatments, doing a facial at home or just simply permitting yourself to put your feet up, rest and recharge.

As a modern lady, we have to juggle between a myriad of roles and responsibilities – a mother, a daughter, a wife, a career woman, a carer [insert any other roles you have], the pressure to look effortlessly “having it all together” (Hello Instagram!) can be overwhelming.

But our Savvy Ladylike BFF knows better than to sacrifice our well-being at the altar of societal expectations.

Embrace self-love and listen to your body. Because a broken body is a broken life!

Remember, we can have it all, but perhaps not all at once. Let us embrace the flow of life, pause when needed, and celebrate our journey towards our most elegant selves.

Embrace a Growth Mindset, Learn something new or pick up an elegant hobby

In the world of elegance, refinement is not a destination, but a lifelong journey. As savvy elegant ladies, we understand the importance of having a growth mindset and carving out time amidst the daily hustles and bustles to refine or expand our skills and capabilities.

Instead of mindless scrolling or idle TV, I want you to consciously choose to invest your time in something that enriches your soul and elevates your life.

Whether it’s delving into a new skill you’ve always wanted to nurture or immersing yourself in an elegant hobby, choose an activity that stimulates your intelligence or feeds your creativity.

For me, I discovered the joy of flower arrangements during lockdown. This elegant pursuit not only unleashes my creativity but infuses my days with tranquillity and grace.

And let’s not forget the luxury of having fresh blooms in the home. I find it relaxing and a great way to elevate your life.

Delicate pink ranunculus

There you have it, 9 Daily Habits to Cultivate Elegance and Class. What do you think of these daily habits?

I’ll be honest… I’m not flawless when it comes to the implementation of these habits. But I try to incorporate them into my routines, bit by bit.

Because taking small actions is better than taking no actions.

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

John C. Maxwell

Over to you, what are some of the daily habits you live by to infuse your life with elegance and class?

Which one of these nine habits will you add to your repertoire starting today? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Let us embark on a journey of refinement and grace together, one elegant step at a time!

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